Announcement: The Lords of Misrule present Penumbra Mortis

Katie Marsden
km531 [at]
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Penumbra Mortis
A conversion drama

Hessia is in a state of change. With Christian Franks on one side, pagan Saxons on the other, and a priest from Rome offering salvation, a village must decide whether to honour its ancestors and the old ways, or to survive in a Christian Europe. Writer John Clay, who has recently completed his Ph.D at the Centre for Medieval Studies, brings to life the story of St. Boniface and his attempts to convert the village to Christianity, performed in a reconstructed longhouse!

7.30pm on the 12th, 13th and 14th March at Murton Park, York (free transport provided from York City Centre).
Tickets £9 (£7 concessions)

For tickets, please send a cheque made out to "The Lords of Misrule" to the following address with your name, contact email address and the date of performance clearly stated. Please also lordsofmisrule [at] (drop us an email) so that we know to expect your payment.

Deborah Thorpe
co/ The Centre for Medieval Studies
The King's Manor
Exhibition Square