Dear all,
With great pleasure, the third years in the Post Hole team, including myself can now (almost) call ourselves graduates in the field of archaeology. Looking back, it has been a long year full of challenges and littered with deadlines, however it has also been a time of opportunities and excitement for the future, which is sad to see the back of. This shall be my penultimate editorial, as we have one more issue in store to be released over the summer months.
This year has been a fantastic one for archaeology as a whole, and we have seen many fascinating articles come through The Post Hole during this time. This month is no exception, and with great satisfaction I present to you the following pieces from Meg Kneafsey, Naomi Ireland-Jones and Kirsty Jones. Their papers expound upon a rage of interesting subjects including the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, pre-Roman Britons, Roman forts, and application of theory to modern archaeology.
This issue also contains an additional piece, written by myself in remembrance to the recent passing of Professor Charles Thomas who was a family friend, as well as prominent archaeologist and academic.
Don’t forget, if you would like to share any of your thoughts, research or experiences with the archaeology community, then please submit your work to us at submissions [at] to appear in next month’s article. For guidance on submission, please visit our website at for more information about this.
All the best,
Freya Lawson-Jones
editor [at]